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Sunday, 28 November 2010

portable Xbox or a big hoax?

The idea of Microsoft releasing a portable Xbox console has been silently crawling in every Xbox 360 fan's head and if you own an Xbox 360 don't lie it hasn't been seeping through your head too. Youtube is absolutely full to the brim of people who have made their own Xbox "laptops". The closest thing to an actually handheld Xbox console is a controller with a screen which shows the Xbox 360 on the small screen. But come on, the controller has. to stay in range of the Xbox 36
0. Look at the two videos below as an example.

Despite the low hopes of Microsoft actually releasing a portable console, there shines a bright light! Video games daily had an interview which proves some hope of a portable Xbox console.
To read the full interview click here.

Shane Kim told video games daily a whole lot about how Microsoft acknowledged the demand for  a portable game console and said it was only a matter of when. They said they have so many projects going on they can't find a way to introduce a new portable game console to the markets.
 You can see why they haven't made a portable console yet.

This is some proof that there is a big chance Microsoft will be releasing a portable Xbox console but when? It may take a decade or so and the real question is how long are we willing to wait for what we don't know we'll get. If it ever does come out it might lack in the features we want or by the time something better than it might be released. Then again Microsoft had been working on Kinect for more than five years and hadn't announced a word of it. So there is much evidence to offer soon we should be getting a portable Xbox console. If you find anything on the subject please contribute to the forums either adding to a thread already made or creating a totally new thread. Thank you.

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