Recently the new Xbox 360 s has been released.Although many believe it was successful there is controversy.
First of all it only has a few more features than the Xbox 360 such as built in Wi-Fi, it's slimmer, it's "kinect ready" and so on. This would barely appeal to anyone who already owns an Xbox 360 as they probably have all of these features already and the new Xbox would not be necessary (E.G wireless adapter/Ethernet cable)
Second, if this was Microsoft's attempt to catch up with Sony's PlayStation 3,
It's A big FAIL. The PlayStation 3 has all of the new Xbox's features and more. In comparison the slim PlayStation 3 is much slimmer AND lighter than the Xbox 360 s. The software is where the Xbox lacks because the PlayStation 3 has almost infinitely more features than the Xbox 360. Internet browser, the ability to watch Freeview, the ability to watch Youtube videos. Another thing is rather than making ANOTHER Xbox 360 console, Microsoft could have put all of that hard and mostly wasted work into making a portable console somewhat compatible with the Xbox 360. This way people who already owned Xbox 360's and people who didn't would be interested. They could have made this the chance to catch up with Sony but that's Microsoft for you.
In conclusion it would have been better off if Microsoft had worked more on software or a new genre of console rather than making this slightly updated model. Sorry Microsoft but I'm going to have to say the xbox 360 s is for the bin.
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