The official name given to project Natal (Kinect) was an extremely good name that seemed to come out of no where. It's short and snappy, easily remembered, easily pronounceable, and at the same time very catchy. When it got it's name almost no-one was expecting it, I mean we were expecting it to be one of the most obvious things- something that probably had the word move or energy or exercise. Wait wait wait wait. energy add movement? Remember when the science teacher explained different types of energies and the one which described movement was "kinetic" energy. Now were getting somewhere right? But Xbox kinetic? Anyone smell cheese in here, because I do, and it is
REEKING. so it obviously was an intelligent idea not going with that. I mean imagine just thinking of the word Xbox, cheesy enough, think about before the Xbox was released, before it existed, how
stupid that would sound. Last thing Microsoft needed were
more Sony fan's laughing at them (at least
Wii fans had nothing to laugh about.) So they changed it into a name.
Kinect. Just take off I and swap c and t's position and
BAM, new name.
Despite the simplicity of the way it was made, it must have took AGES. I mean imagine if you had to name a gaming device that was going to change the world forever, increase your sales by almost %100 if successful, make your device an example of human civilisation for DECADES to come, and if you failed at the naming, Microsoft would hire the most professional assassins known, to give you the most torturous, gruesome, longest death ever known. No pressure.
Maaan i feel sorry for whoever had to make the name for project Natal, but Microsoft have done it again, hired some of the best people to name the device, and it's paid off. I have to praise whoever made the name because it must have taken as long as Kinect it's self took to make. Microsoft, you've done it again.
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